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Should You Bring an AI Companion Into Your Relationship?

affairs communication Mar 18, 2025


 A couple months ago, we wrote a newsletter about using AI in your relationship. We wanted to see what would happen if we asked ChatGPT for advice on navigating our own relationship drama.

But then we learned about a new way AI is showing up in relationships. People aren't just asking AI for advice. They're turning to AI for companionship.

So I (Nate) decided to explore this brave new world to see what happens when you add a third (virtual) person to your relationship.

First stop. I had t...

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Use 'The Brag Test' to Assess the Strength of Your Relationship


You can take all sorts of surveys and assessments to better understand the strength of your relationship.

But we want to propose that a single question—what we call "The Brag Test"—can tell you everything you need to know. 

What's the question?

When you're talking to others and your partner isn't around, do you mostly criticize or brag about them?

If you mostly brag about their accomplishments, best qualities, and strengths, you passed. In fact, you get an A+ on The Brag Test. It's a sig...

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Try Out the Mirror of Marriage Experiment in Your Relationship to Boost Love and Connection

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2025


We have a theory that has been brewing for some time.

It goes like this: The thing that matters most in determining the quality of your relationship is your mindset. 

The mechanism driving this phenomenon is what psychologists call"social contagion." It's a fancy way of saying that your marriage is like a mirror of your mind.

If you show up with resentment, the mirror that is your partner or your kids will reflect back more resentment. 

If, on the other hand, you show up with love, this...

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Reverse Date Night -- A Counter-Habitual Intimacy Hack for Couples Looking to Optimize Connection

Uncategorized Feb 06, 2025


If you're not careful, date night can start to feel, well, kind of boring. 

Here's why. 

This modern relationship ritual is an attempt to merge the spontaneous experience of love with the overly-scheduled reality of family life.

It's romance meets Google Calendar, intimacy meets email. 

And in this tug-of-war between love and logistics, the perfectly-planned-out and domesticated side of life usually wins.

This is why you might end up doing the same things, going to the same restaurants...

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Can You Use AI to Improve Your Marriage? We Tested ChatGPT In Our Relationship to Find Out

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2025


AI is changing the world. But can it change our most intimate relationships? Should it?

As relationship authors and coaches, we set up an experiment to answer this question.

For a few days, Nate decided to use ChatGPT as his personal AI love coach, asking it for guidance on conflicts, communication, and intimacy.

What happened? Here's Nate's account.



Day 1: The Marinade

It all started with a missed Monday morning chicken marinade.

Let me explain. The night before, Kaley asked, "C...

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You've Got Emotional Debt -- Here's How to Pay it Off


When it comes to money, we all understand the concept of debt. If you spend more than you have, at some point, you’re going to have to pay it back, with interest.

But what about emotions?

What happens when you spend more energy than you have by trying to push your emotions away through busyness and distraction?

The answer: you take on “emotional debt."

We noticed this happening in our marriage a couple months ago. We were both navigating intense situations that gave rise to intense emoti...

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Grinch Day: The Key to Stress-Proofing Your Relationship During the Holidays



Next week marks the 20th anniversary of our engagement.

And if there's one thing we've learned from two full decades of navigating the holidays as a couple, it's this:

If you stay connected and in sync, you can manage even the most bat-shit-crazy emotional drama that comes your way.

If you don't, the stress of the holidays will land on your life like an atomic bomb.

So today, we want to give you a single practice for staying connected during the holidays.

Take a Grinch Day.

What's ...

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Create Space (By Embracing Your Inner Entitled Freerider)

busyness priorities stress Nov 14, 2024


Here’s a strange fact about busyness. 

Throughout most of human history, successful, high-status, people bragged about not being busy. That’s right, they flaunted their leisure time by sailing boats, playing polo, joining country clubs, or buying expensive clothes. 

But these days, we’ve flipped this old-school model on its head. To be busy in our current age is to be important, valued, needed, and in-demand.

For instance, the research of Columbia University professor Silvia Bellezza reve...

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Why You Should be Failing More at Life

habits priorities stress Oct 29, 2024


Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently issued an advisory warning that couples with kids now face a mental health crisis.


We're trying to succeed at everything and burning ourselves out in the process.

In Murthy's words, "compared with just a few decades ago, mothers and fathers spend more time working and more time caring for their children, leaving them less time for rest, leisure and relationships."

Murthy's point is that success used to mean becoming excellent at one thing.


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4 Ways to Escape The Inferno of Busyness

habits space stress Oct 10, 2024



We have a question for you.

Why do you feel so busy?

At this point, you're probably thinking, "Is that a real question? I'm busy because I'm busy, because there's just so much shit to do."

Good answer. And it's true. We live in a unique period of human history, a time when all of us face an increasingly long list of stuff to do: pet dentist appointments, parent-Uber-ing kids to all manner of extracurricular activities, and thrice-weekly zone-two cardio workouts (thanks Peter Attia).


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